
Look what Gage and I found in our yard yesterday at lunch. He really wanted to play with it, and I had to capture this photo before it flew away. The picture doesn’t do this guy justice, but he was one of the biggest butterflies I’ve ever seen.

Letterpress exhibit

We went to the Library of Virginia in Richmond yesterday to see a Smithsonian traveling exhibit about letterpress from Hatch Show Prints. It was really amazing to see how one letterpress shop adapted to changing technologies and media.

The Nashville, TN shop has been designing and printing posters for movies, music and much more since about 1890. All images and text were carved from wood blocks, a part of the craft that has inspired us to (one day!) try some wood block prints.

If you are in the area, head down to the library and check out the show – it closes February 4!

Happy Winter Solstice

Happy winter solstice today – and here’s a toast to more sun tomorrow!

I didn’t get around to making solstice postcards this year, but here’s a design from Michael Martin Ho for a solstice greeting card. I love his graphic abstraction of day and night for each season.